敢死队二国语版 迅雷下载 迅雷下载,不断研制、推出新的品种。产品制作,"上海华鼎画材有限公司是生产美术用品、绘画工具的企业。始终致力于新型画具的开发,是画家、美术爱好者真诚的伙伴。 Shanghai Huading Painting Materials Co. Ltd. is an enterprise specializing in the manufacture and sale of painting materials. Devoting ourselves to the development of painting materials we have been designing and manufacturing fine products which are in various styles and of first-class make: canvas easels paint boxes palettes palette knives wooden manikins hands and horses clay sculpture knives pottery tools etc.. As painting tools and teaching aids our products are ideal companions for both artists and amateurs in art.",款式新颖多样。产品有油画布、画框、画架、画箱、画凳、画钳、洗笔筒、洗笔液、调色刀、调色板、调色油壶、木制人、木制手、活络木马、泥塑刀、陶泥工具……等等。是学生教具、美术领域中的辅助工。

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